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New editor of animation
- PicturesToExe 9 includes a brand-new editor of animation with improved design and new great features
- Timeline panel can show all keyframes for selected objects on multiple tracks
- You can simultaneously add changes to multiple objects in the Properties Tab
- Added multi-selection of keyframes. You can move or delete selected keyframes, and add changes in the Animation tab
New animation parameters
- Each group of parameters (Pan, Zoom, Rotate, Opacity, etc) can be assigned or excluded from a keyframe. You can uncheck a group of parameters to exclude it from the animation
- Added Modifiers for animation of objects. A modifier can simplify creation of a complex animation
- Improved work with speeds of objects (Linear, Smooth, Accelerate, Decelerate, and custom). Speed parameters are now part of Modifiers
- Added a new kind of animation – Framing. It allows you to create a zoom in a frame. See Animation tab
New Color filters
- Adjust brightness, contrast, levels, saturation, lightness, and hue for images and videos
- Mix several colors filters together to get the required visual effect
- Change color filters dynamically at keyframes
- Colors filters do not affect the performance, because PicturesToExe uses hardware acceleration
Improved Masks
- New structure of a Mask container: Mask Stencil and Mask Content
- Ability to use any object (including Text and Rectangle objects) in a Mask Stencil.
- New option Convert to Alpha image for an object in a Mask Stencil allows you to mix mask objects with additive effect. If you untick this option, mask layer can create a negative effect to hide objects in a Mask content
Color management
- Added support of color profiles in JPEG and PNG images
- Color management also for Rectangles, Borders, Shadows and Texts
- PicturesToExe now supports output for Adobe RGB displays and output for displays with custom color profiles. Color management works in PicturesToExe in the full-screen preview and in executable files. See Preferences > System
- Color management does not affect the performance because PicturesToExe uses hardware acceleration
Improved Video Output
- UltraHD 4K video output up to 3840 x 2160
- Improved visual quality of video
- File size is reduced to 20-50% with same visual quality
- Video encoding works faster
- Added HTML5 video output
Improved Transition Effects
- New built-in transition effects
- Creation of custom transition effects is improved
- Custom transition effects now can be stored in the global storage or in a project
- Custom transition can include several variants (directions)
- Added “Splitter for background objects” for use in custom transition effects
Improved Slide Styles
- Author of a new slide style can add his name and commentary
- New built-in slide styles. New beautiful slide styles for wedding photographers
Improved performance
- Smoother animation of large images, especially on slow computers
- PicturesToExe opens a project 30% faster
- New Objects and animation editor works faster with heavy projects
Other enhancements
- New Find Missing Files window. Ability to find and recover broken links to files of a project
- Added export of all soundtrack to a single MP3 or WAV file
- New Welcome demo and Sample project